Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

I would like to take this time to simply say Happy Father's Day to all the dads, grandpas, and father-figures out there. I would also like to take the time to let those who are missing their dad or father-figure today that I am praying for you. I am praying for those dad's who have lost their children. I am praying for those who do not have a father in their life. 

I want you to know that if you do not have an earthy father you have a Heavenly Father who loves you unconditionally and He will never forsake you. Never. 

I also, want to take the time to say Happy Father's Day to the world's best dad, my dad, (Yes, I'm bias.) I love him with my whole-being and while my biological dad wanted nothing to do with me I am thankful that he stepped up to be a man that he did not have to be. He is my true daddy. I even look like him and share his characteristics. (God always knows what He is doing.) He leads by example and I strive to follow his example of leadership and his servants heart for others. I will always be his little girl.

Love you, Daddy!

God Bless,

Friday, June 14, 2013

Catchy Songs

Ever have a song stuck in your head just for the simple fact that it is catchy? Well, I am there right now. I have the song Be Ok by Ingrid Michaelson stuck in my head.

Luckily, I know more than two lines because we all know that typically when we get a song stuck in our head we only know two lines. Therefore, we constantly repeat them over and over and we know that we are getting on peoples nerves because we are getting on our own nerves.

Well, this is my random blog for the day. Yay, me.

Have a wonderful Friday! :)

God Bless,

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Saturday Morning Coffee

This is a post another blog of mine that was written in the Fall of 2012. I know that is awhile back, but I really wanted to share this with y'all. It makes my heart happy to read these words.

Today I met with a family friend for a class assignment. I had to interview a woman who was or is currently in a women's ministry leadership position. Let me begin by saying that I have never enjoyed an assignment as much as I did this one.

I have never really talked one-on-one with this lovely lady. We have always been acquaintances. I know her because she is one of my aunts best friends. However, today, that has changed.

After an hour or so of sipping coffee, chit chat, and me interviewing her about her life in ministry I consider her a new friend.

When I woke up this morning I was having such a difficult time making myself get out of bed. I was excited about meeting with her and picking her brain on things, but it's Saturday. The last thing I wanted to do was get up at 7am to do a homework assignment.

Once, I was at the local coffee shop and sitting with her and listening to her wise words and advice, I totally forgot about having to get up early. I was enjoying myself and felt myself being inspired. She is such a phenomenal women. I think we could have talked forever. (We are girls though and Lord knows we love to talk!)

I don't know how your Saturday is going, but my Saturday morning coffee with a new friend has definitely made my whole day and it's only 11:12am!

God Bless,

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Late Night Thinking...

Typically, late night thinking does not do me much good. In fact, if I liked taking medicine the moment I felt not so-good-thoughts pop into my mind I would take some sleeping pills to avoid losing sleep to meaningless pondering.

However, tonight is different. I am unable to sleep because I am thinking about how blessed I am to be right where I am. I could not imagine being any place else or even wanting to be any place else. (I could do away with my Biology class, but that is for a totally different blog post. Ha.) Seriously though. I am truly happy. I am truly blessed beyond what I deserve.

It amazes me how days (even moments) add up to lead you to where you need to be. 

Those nights that I have been wide awake thinking about how I could have done things better, made better choices, etc. have actually led me to be thinking about all the positives tonight. Without the hardships, the tears, the letdowns, the mistakes I would not be able to know what good I have now.

*Note that during the hardships, the tears, the letdowns, the mistakes that I did have it good it was just difficult for my eyes to realize that I was being prepared for something better. I was growing up.

I am still growing up. I am still learning. I am still making mistakes. I am still going to go through some hardships and letdowns. I will even have more tears. However, I know that the outcome when everything is said and done that I will be a better person because of them if I choose to grow from those moments and not relive them every night.

Late night thinking is often dangerous, but being able to train your brain to think about positive things in your life can lead to late night thinking that is encouraging.

God Bless,

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Breaking the Silence

Sometimes people may come off as rude or unsocial. Maybe this is the case sometimes. However, I have come to observe that we do not like awkwardness. We do not like awkward silence. So what do we do? We pull out our cell phones and look like we are doing something important.

Why do we not just strike up a conversation? We are just making the whole situation even more awkward by trying to ignore it.

Speak up. Strike up a conversation. People will surprise you in the fact that they are friendly. What are we so afraid of? We are so afraid to speak up. I challenge you and myself to speak up and break the silence.

God Bless,

When Did I Become Old Enough...

When did I become old enough to be attending friends weddings?

I know I am twenty and this is the time that people often become engaged, but I do not feel like all these people should be my friends.

Literally, this summer alone I have/had the option of attending five weddings. Five. Five weddings in which all the people getting married are 20-23 years old. What?

Here I am... single... no prospect... 20 years old...

It is sometimes kind of disheartening. I really want to be planning a wedding. I mean, what girl doesn't dream of her fairytale wedding with the Prince Charming waiting there at the altar?

I am not wanting to rush anything by any means. I know God has a plan, but sometimes I get a little impatient. Plus, it does not make it easier that your best friend has a boyfriend that you know that she is going to be marry (even though they have been only dating for a short while... you just know) and all your friends around you are planning away or even already married.

It is just so mind-blowing to me that I am in this stage of life.

I cannot wait to begin planning a wedding, but more importantly I cannot wait to plan a wedding with the man of my dreams. If I have to wait a little while longer for him to show up, okay. But... in all honesty sometimes that is not an easy thing... you know, to wait patiently.

Plus, Pinterest just makes the whole situation worse. Ha.

God Bless,