Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Starting New

If you keep up with my blogs then you are probably wondering, Where did all of her blogs go? If you are just reading my blog for the first time than well, I don't know what you might be wondering.

To explain what happened to all of my blogs since 2010 keep reading...

You see, you change a lot in just two years. (You probably knew that.) I went back and was reading through my blogs and I was overwhelmed with how much I have grown. I began this blog in eleventh grade and here I am about to be sophomore in college.

I read through my blogs and I began to laugh, cry, smile, etc. There I was sitting on the couch reminiscing through old blogs for about two hours and being filled with so many different emotions.

I came to the conclusion, that I wanted to start new. I want a fresh new slate to blog and grow. (Don't worry, I didn't delete my blogs without saving them to a Word document. Those blogs are still important to me.)

Sometimes you just need to begin again. Surely, you can understand that, right? I guess it really doesn't matter what you understand or think though because this is my blog.

I hope that you enjoy starting new with me. My goal is to inspire you with my blog.

So...cheers to starting new!

God Bless,

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