Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I'm Afraid You'll Forget

I just listened to the song Edge of Desire by John Mayer. I have to be honest, I absolutely love this song. As I was listening, I was paying attention to the words more than I ever have. A phrase that stood out to me the most was this:

I want you so bad I'll go back on the things I believe.
There I just said it, 
I'm afraid you'll forget about me. 

Think about those words for a moment. Let them sink in. What do they mean and speak to you?

Here's the part where I tell you what they mean to me... You ready? Okay.

Well, I think about how often we as human-beings will not stand-firm in something that we believe because we are afraid of losing a relationship whether that be a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, a friendship, or even a family member.

Maybe we will go back on something we believe in a class that doesn't share the same religious views so in order to make an A we disregard our beliefs. 

Maybe it is even materialistic and we are afraid of losing something that it causes us to lie. 

I know that this song is talking about relationship. I get that, but how often do we even see this outside of boyfriend/girlfriend relationships?

People who want to please those around them - People Pleasers - don't want to disappoint so they do everything they can do to make people like them.

People don't want to be forgotten about. When people feel like they are being forgotten or becoming lost to the person they love, they will do ridiculous things to gain their attention back.

I've seen it. You have probably seen it. I have been a victim. And you yourself have probably been a victim.

We need to be able to recognize when it is okay to step out of comfort zones, not disregard our beliefs, but also notice a different perspective to show that we truly care about people. 

Don't cause someone to give up on something they believe in by making them feel like they are going to lose you.

Homosexuality is a hot topic right now. Therefore, I am going to use this as an example... I have some very good friends who are gay. Do I agree with it? No, I don't. Do they know where I stand on the issue? Yes, they do. Do they know that I still love them and will be there for them? Absolutely, they do!

Just because I don't agree with something doesn't mean that I will leave them stranded. Some of my friends don't agree with everything I may say, think, or do, but do I feel like they hate me and are going to desert me as a friend. No, I don't. Not by any means.

In conclusion, I know this blog was kind of random; but I hope that you got what I was trying to say. Again, yes I know that Edge of Desire is a song about a relationship, but when I tend to ponder words and phrases I can learn so much that even the artist or author was not trying to teach. I guess it's just the writer in myself. I love to analyze words. Haha.

God Bless,

Monday, April 22, 2013

Think Too Much?

You know that feeling when your brain says one thing and your heart says another?

Do you go with your thoughts? Do you follow your heart?

It's difficult enough to follow your heart. It doesn't help that as a girl your thoughts run rampant.

If there is ever a time when both your thoughts and heart align, dive in! There is nothing more calming then knowing both your heart and thoughts agree with one another.

God Bless,

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Someone To Believe In You

Sometimes all it takes for you to get the motivation you need is to know that someone else believes in you.

I know for myself that whenever I feel inadequate, when I get the encouragement of a respected friend or respected adult it makes me believe in myself.

I know also that for myself when I begin to feel inadequate it is because I am comparing myself to those around me.

I feel like so much today we are comparing ourselves to those around us. We need to STOP. God has not intended for us to compare ourselves to others. He has not intended for us to compare our strengths, our talents, our looks, our possessions, anything to others.

God has a purpose, a plan, for each one of His children that only they themselves can fulfill. My purpose is different from yours and requires for me to have different talents, a different personality than you. That does not make better. That does not make me any less important. We are the body of Christ.

STOP comparing yourself to others. Believe in yourself. Find inspiration in the little things. When you find yourself being self-critical reevaluate yourself to make sure you are not comparing yourself to those around you. Pray to God and ask that He allow you to see yourself the way that He sees you.

God has given you a purpose that only you can fulfill. God believes in you. God believes in me. He has trusted us to fulfill a plan. He is using us to do His Kingdom work on the earth because He believes in us. He believes in you.

I don't know about you, but to know that God believes in me is the best motivation I can have.

God Bless,

Monday, April 8, 2013

Best Friend Therapy

Sometimes all you need in life is your best friend to talk things over with. 

I love my best friend so much. She is always there to listen to me vent. 

She tells me what I need to hear.

Sometimes I talk to her because I now she is bias. Haha.

And there are other times when I just need to talk and she just listens.

She knows I will and I have done the same for her.

It's called Best Friend Therapy and it really works.

My BFF and I!
God Bless,