Thursday, January 31, 2013

God's Calling

Lately, I have been battling with the fact if I want to look into getting some type of degree in counseling.

As, most of my readers know I am going to more than likely graduate a whole year early. I was so pumped about the fact that I was going to be able to begin my work life early. I am so excited for what God is calling me to that I am anxious to get out there and go!

However, it has been laid on my heart that I should tap into counseling. I don't want to have a practice or any such thing like that. I just want to have the background knowledge. I was determined not to have any more school. Once I graduate Ouachita I want to be done for good. BUT as I kept pushing the thought of a counseling degree out of mind it kept coming back as a heavy issue on my heart.

I don't know if it makes sense to you about the heaviness that I feel on my heart when I think about getting a degree in counseling. Think about it like this though... You know when you know you are supposed to do something because you just feel this burden on your heart that won't go away until you take action? Yes? No? I'm going to pretend you answered yes in your head. Ha. So you understand to a small percent what I'm feeling.

Well, a few things have unraveled lately in my life and it has it the point that I cannot ignore the fact that God is calling me to get my degree in counseling.

It is crazy to me because when I received my call to ministry I was seeking for it. I knew God was calling so I was willing to find my purpose. When it came to me being called to get a degree in counseling I was very hesitant. I knew what I wanted. I wanted no more school. I wanted to get on with my life and have no more school bills adding to the ones I currently have. I had it planned out. First red flag, right? I had it planned out. Ha. No, God has it planned out.

The fact that I am going to graduate a whole year early means that more than likely I can use that year for my degree on counseling still finishing school in a timely manner. God opened that door for me in a way that I would have never thought. Yes, I was very hesitant, but not anymore. I want God's will for my life. I want the purpose he has for me. Not mine.

With all this being said, I am meeting with the OBU school counselor next Friday (Feb.8) to just pick his brain and ask questions. I have so many concerns and questions that need to be answered. I know that there is a lot of different types of degrees in counseling so I am trying to figure out which route I am needing to take. I am so thrilled about this meeting. Even if it is at 8:30am. Ha.

I hope that you too find your purpose in God and that when he is calling you answer.

God Bless,

P.S. Yes, I posted this blog on both my personal and OBU blog. :)

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